Home exhibition & work in progress
Offenes Haus_Offener Garten_Offene Gedanken
Ausstellung in Haus und Garten
An overlook of the last 10 years with some new works was shown throughout the garden and house / Übersicht von Arbeiten aus den letzten 10 Jahren.
A little clip was shown together with a fantasy structure out of fabricated white paper strings during the exhibition. This installation was sought to be seen as an experimental low budget glimpse into the future, for the first time trying out a freeware video and speech editor, freeware sounds and filters and AI on pc and phone. A watertight tarpaulin was ironed out and hung up for projection screen.
The story: An imagined 10 to 12 year old boy in the year 2130 is chatting with his mother, a scientist on her way to an exoplanet. Cosmic disturbances accompany the boy's message held in a future pidgin mixture of German and English language. He talks about the extremes of Earth's weather and passionately about his current school project recreating a biosphere in VR with an outlook of getting seeds to proceed in growing real plants in class. Earth becoming more and more uninhabitable, the boy hopes to soon follow his mother and be able to use his skills in some lab of a far off colony.
Newer works are being created out of spontaneous ideas in lieu of any big theme, enabling free experimenting with new media.
»too late«, finished in 2022, is a first solution for adding on acrylic glas to the usual mix of acrylic medium, acrylic paint and metal filament in the smaller sculptures.
»Jasmund« cites a yearly recurring avoidable fish die off in a region of Mecklenburg-Pomerania.
»spring« incorporates shedded sheep wool, the title bringing attention to the way humans structure the year into seasons.

Losgelöst von einem übergreifenden Thema, entstehen neue Arbeiten. So können ungezwungen neue Materialien integriert und neues ausprobiert werden.
»too late« besteht als eine der kleineren Figuren erstmalig zusätzlich aus Acryl-Glas, neben dem üblichen Acryl-Medium in Kombination mit Acryl-Farben und Metallfäden.
»Jasmund« behandelt das erwartbare alljährliche Fischsterben im Jasmunder Bodden.
»spring« – übersetzt »Frühling« – deutet mit der verlorenen Winterwolle der Schafe, auf das vom Menschen in Jahreszeiten strukturierte Jahr hin.